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Arrest Records

By April 13, 2018ORM

Arrest Records

By the age of 23, about 23% of Americans have been arrested and have arrest records. That previous fact says a lot about a situation that is very common in our country. Most of these cases are minor incidents that do not lead to jail time. This can be an uncomfortable situation for any individual because it feels like a criminal conviction when there is none.


Arrest Records


Is My Mugshot Available for Anyone to See?

Aside from the different laws in each state, it is frequent to see arrest records available to the public. Anyone can search and get this information related to your name, divorces, bankruptcy papers, foreclosure and much more.

Many companies have made lots of money by publishing that type of data. With a collection so big that you would need the help of a search engine in order to index the material. One thing very important to notice is that some of these platforms publish entire arrest records, while others do not.

  Reputation Damaged?

Absolutely, this may bring problems that shouldn’t be there. Various states clear the records of young people just to prevent a long-term damage to the person. Things can get messy when authorities publish a mugshot on the web and then companies profit by copying this evidence to later charge you for a complete removal, whether you have a clean background check or not.

Count 72 hours to get those arrest records removed by a team of professionals at Netreputation.com, we are helping more than 5000 satisfied customers to succeed and lead better lives, erasing over +36000 files that provoked immeasurable damages to their online presence. Get to know our method and try a fast, secure and efficient removal of all your mugshots now.

Call now: 833-469-9527 and ask for a FREE mugshot removal analysis.  READ MORE


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